22 research outputs found

    The role of plastics in the accumulation and release of trace elements in the environment

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    Plastics are an emerging class of environmental contaminants whose impacts are not yet fully understood. Trace elements, another class of environmental contaminant and commonly associated with plastics, have been widely researched and are known to be toxic to organisms. However, the combined impacts of these two contaminants on the environment remain unclear. Here, we reviewed the current knowledge of the types and concentrations of trace elements associated with plastics, the role of plastics in creating new exposure routes, the processes involved in the release of trace elements from plastics, and the transport of plastics through environmental compartments. Trace elements inherent in plastics, due to addition during manufacture for formation or functional properties, are typically present at higher concentrations than those that are acquired from the environment, and consequently are likely to have greater impacts. Trace elements are continuously released into environmental matrices from plastics but may be released at higher concentrations when exposed to rapid changes in environmental conditions (pH, ionic strength, redox potential, salinity, UV levels). Plastics potentially provide additional exposure routes for organisms to trace elements. For example, exposure to trace elements may occur when organisms ingest plastics, use them for shelter and nest building or as a surface to attach onto. Further research to improve our understanding of this complex contaminant should focus on environmentally relevant studies on trace element release and their effects

    Transforming encounters: A review of the drivers and mechanisms of macrofaunal plastic fragmentation in the environment

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    Plastic has infiltrated every ecosystem on the planet, making encounters between this anthropogenic pollutant and fauna inevitable. Abiotic environmental breakdown involving light, oxygen, temperature and mechanical forces is well-characterized, while biotic degradation mechanisms are less well-understood. Reports of the role of macrofauna in the fragmentation of plastic debris are increasing. This review explores the driving factors for macrofaunal fragmentation, as well as the physiological mechanisms by which plastic items are fragmented. The presence, and access to plastic within an organism’s habitat are the key determinants of macrofaunal plastic degradation. Foraging strategies, along with burrowing and nesting behaviors increase the likelihood of macrofauna interacting with plastics. Though this type of fragmentation can occur externally, it often follows ingestion, which in itself can be driven by resemblance to food. Four physical mechanisms of macrofaunal plastic fragmentation were identified, namely biting, drilling, grazing and grinding. Biting, restricted to the mouthparts of an organism, was the most common form of macrofaunal fragmentation reported in literature. Similarly, the use of specialized mouthparts for drilling or grazing can produce secondary plastic particles. Lastly, grinding, through manipulation by the gizzard or gastric mill following ingestion can significantly reduce the size of the plastic material. Prolonged and/or repeated interactions with plastics pose the risk of increased wear on the mouthparts and digestive organs involved. Through mechanisms that directly affect the plastic’s structural integrity, physical fragmentation by macrofauna can amplify overall plastic degradation rates and the formation of micro- and nanoplastics in the environment, while long internal retention times can contribute to their dispersal, trophic transfer, and the organism’s exposure to plastic additives. To more fully understand the extent of macrofaunal plastic fragmentation and allow predictive modeling, we suggest the reporting of evidence in a unified and systematic way. Our findings further highlight the urgency for the implementation of a global plastic waste management system to reduce the burden of micro- and nanoplastics

    Microbial Ecology of Four Coral Atolls in the Northern Line Islands

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    Microbes are key players in both healthy and degraded coral reefs. A combination of metagenomics, microscopy, culturing, and water chemistry were used to characterize microbial communities on four coral atolls in the Northern Line Islands, central Pacific. Kingman, a small uninhabited atoll which lies most northerly in the chain, had microbial and water chemistry characteristic of an open ocean ecosystem. On this atoll the microbial community was equally divided between autotrophs (mostly Prochlorococcus spp.) and heterotrophs. In contrast, Kiritimati, a large and populated (∼5500 people) atoll, which is most southerly in the chain, had microbial and water chemistry characteristic of a near-shore environment. On Kiritimati, there were 10 times more microbial cells and virus-like particles in the water column and these microbes were dominated by heterotrophs, including a large percentage of potential pathogens. Culturable Vibrios were common only on Kiritimati. The benthic community on Kiritimati had the highest prevalence of coral disease and lowest coral cover. The middle atolls, Palmyra and Tabuaeran, had intermediate densities of microbes and viruses and higher percentages of autotrophic microbes than either Kingman or Kiritimati. The differences in microbial communities across atolls could reflect variation in 1) oceaonographic and/or hydrographic conditions or 2) human impacts associated with land-use and fishing. The fact that historically Kingman and Kiritimati did not differ strongly in their fish or benthic communities (both had large numbers of sharks and high coral cover) suggest an anthropogenic component in the differences in the microbial communities. Kingman is one of the world's most pristine coral reefs, and this dataset should serve as a baseline for future studies of coral reef microbes. Obtaining the microbial data set, from atolls is particularly important given the association of microbes in the ongoing degradation of coral reef ecosystems worldwide

    Shared Skeletal Support in a Coral-Hydroid Symbiosis

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    Hydroids form symbiotic relationships with a range of invertebrate hosts. Where they live with colonial invertebrates such as corals or bryozoans the hydroids may benefit from the physical support and protection of their host's hard exoskeleton, but how they interact with them is unknown. Electron microscopy was used to investigate the physical interactions between the colonial hydroid Zanclea margaritae and its reef-building coral host Acropora muricata. The hydroid tissues extend below the coral tissue surface sitting in direct contact with the host's skeleton. Although this arrangement provides the hydroid with protective support, it also presents problems of potential interference with the coral's growth processes and exposes the hydroid to overgrowth and smothering. Desmocytes located within the epidermal layer of the hydroid's perisarc-free hydrorhizae fasten it to the coral skeleton. The large apical surface area of the desmocyte and high bifurcation of the distal end within the mesoglea, as well as the clustering of desmocytes suggests that a very strong attachment between the hydroid and the coral skeleton. This is the first study to provide a detailed description of how symbiotic hydroids attach to their host's skeleton, utilising it for physical support. Results suggest that the loss of perisarc, a characteristic commonly associated with symbiosis, allows the hydroid to utilise desmocytes for attachment. The use of these anchoring structures provides a dynamic method of attachment, facilitating detachment from the coral skeleton during extension, thereby avoiding overgrowth and smothering enabling the hydroid to remain within the host colony for prolonged periods of time

    Thyroid Hormone Promotes Remodeling of Coronary Resistance Vessels

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    Low thyroid hormone (TH) function has been linked to impaired coronary blood flow, reduced density of small arterioles, and heart failure. Nonetheless, little is known about the mechanisms by which THs regulate coronary microvascular remodeling. The current study examined the initial cellular events associated with coronary remodeling induced by triiodothyronine (T3) in hypothyroid rats. Rats with established hypothyroidism, eight weeks after surgical thyroidectomy (TX), were treated with T3 for 36 or 72 hours. The early effects of T3 treatment on coronary microvasculature were examined morphometrically. Gene expression changes in the heart were assessed by quantitative PCR Array. Hypothyroidism resulted in arteriolar atrophy in the left ventricle. T3 treatment rapidly induced small arteriolar muscularization and, within 72 hours, restored arteriolar density to control levels. Total length of the capillary network was not affected by TX or T3 treatment. T3 treatment resulted in the coordinate regulation of Angiopoietin 1 and 2 expression. The response of Angiopoietins was consistent with vessel enlargement. In addition to the well known effects of THs on vasoreactivity, these results suggest that THs may affect function of small resistance arteries by phenotypic remodeling of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC)

    The molecular bacterial ecology of coral disease

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

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    Bacterial community structure associated with white band disease in the elkhorn coral Acropora palmata determined using culture-independent 16S rRNA techniques

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    Culture-independent molecular (16S ribosomal RNA) techniques showed distinct differences in bacterial communities associated with white band disease (WBD) Type I and healthy elkhorn coral Acropora palmata. Differences were apparent at all levels, with a greater diversity present in tissues of diseased colonies. The bacterial community associated with remote, non-diseased coral was distinct from the apparently healthy tissues of infected corals several cm from the disease lesion. This demonstrates a whole-organism effect from what appears to be a localised disease lesion, an effect that has also been recently demonstrated in white plague-like disease in star coral Montastraea annularis. The pattern of bacterial community structure changes was similar to that recently demonstrated for white plague-like disease and black band disease. Some of the changes are likely to be explained by the colonisation of dead and degrading tissues by a micro-heterotroph community adapted to the decomposition of coral tissues. However, specific ribosomal types that are absent from healthy tissues appear consistently in all samples of each of the diseases. These ribotypes are closely related members of a group of alpha-proteobacteria that cause disease, notably juvenile oyster disease, in other marine organisms. It is clearly important that members of this group are isolated for challenge experiments to determine their role in the diseases

    A method for the extraction of microplastics from solid biowastes including biosolids, compost, and soil for analysis by Β΅-FTIR

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    Few methods exist detailing the extraction of microplastics from organic matrices. A validated method for the successful extraction of microplastics from solid biowastes including biosolids, compost, and soil for spectroscopic analysis by micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (Β΅-FTIR) was developed. Solid dry biowastes were first digested with a wet peroxide oxidation (WPO) with iron (II) solution and 30% hydrogen peroxide followed by sequential density separations with ultra-pure water and 1.8 g cmβˆ’3 NaI in an optimised sediment-microplastic isolation (SMI) unit. The average recoveries for spiked microplastics were 92, 95 and 98% for bagged compost, biosolids, and soil, respectively. This method ensures a high microplastic recovery by first chemically disintegrating biowaste aggregates without employing destructive methods like milling and allows for successful density separations where the settled fraction is isolated off from the supernatant, allowing thorough rinsing of the equipment and thus a greater transferal of particles into the vacuum filtering device. Minimal processing steps reduce the instance of introducing contamination and particle loss. β€’ Digestion as a first step to disintegrate aggregates to release entrapped microplastics β€’ Density separation with SMI unit with the method adapted for biowastes β€’ Minimal steps to reduce contamination and particle los